Graphic Design. Brand Identity. UI UX. Typography. Layout.

The objective of this project is to help people in need with the problem of fast eating. The original design was for personal subscription; however, I later realized the problem that it might not work for people who have limited time for food. Hence for my redesign, I am designing a deck of challenge cards targeting college students at the cafeteria. People can pick up a pack of Eat In Peace for their meal. Focusing on a more specific audience, I revised and changed my design and color palette of the original set. The new set is blue and silver, mimicking the silver tablewares. For the typeface, it is a rounded modern san serif, for the friendly and relaxing concept of Eat In Peace. I do really like the final outcome as they look much cleaner and look like a deck of cards that would really be fun to play with during a meal. The most important part of this project is definitely to help solve the problem of fast eating and try to build a healthier eating habit by educating people. Therefore, I have the reasons behind each challenge on the back of each card. I learned from redesigning this project that it will be very helpful to test out the prototype and ask for feedback from the actual audience, because you will always find out something you might have overlooked.
Eat In Peace Challenge
Packaging, Cards, April 2022, 2 mo, Illustrator & Indesign

Process & Explorations